The Invisible Workload Masterclass

Identifying and eliminating The Invisible Workload is a game changer that will put an end to the exhaustion, resentment and Mom guilt so you can get back to what’s really important 

FREE Masterclass

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In this workshop you will discover why you're...

  • Feeling like you’re in constant motion but never finish your to-do list
  • Snapping at your kids for the smallest things
  • Planing your life around everyone else’s schedule
  • Feeling a ton of Mom guilt because you’re too tired to do fun family stuff
  • Resenting your partner when they want to watch a movie but you still have to make lunches for tomorrow
  • Don’t like who you’ve become.



In The Invisible Workload Masterclass you will learn how to...


an abundance of time and learn how to put yourself first


patient and present with your kids so you can enjoy your time together


totally connected to your partner and look forward to date nights again


heaps of energy and love who you are everyday 

Yes I want in right now!!

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About your host

Heather London is a Life Coach that specializes in helping women get unstuck and master midlife.

Heather has over 15 years in the health and wellness industry and is a certified Holistic Nutritionist, Energy Healer, Personal Trainer and Mother of two teenage boys.

As Moms we make our families our life's purpose and as our kids get older and more independent, we find we've lost sight of who we are or what we want out of life.  Heather teaches women how to get unstuck, find their purpose and reinvent themselves for this next stage of life.

Heather truly believes that if you can dream it, you can create it.   Now it's your time to put yourself first!